It will not recognize my code to the book I just bought. I would gladly use the supportive information that the Kosmos App provides for the book "Cavaletti - Dressur und Springen", the Rainer/Ingrid Klimke version. Maybe I can get some help somewhere? I tried the linked suggestions on and, but to no avail...
It works I guess, maby some pictures next to the birds in my case would help :)
Prinzipiell eine nette Idee zu dem Buch (hier Vögel) . Aber man hätte ja wenigstens die Bilder mit aufnehmen können. So braucht man die Buchseiten offen für das Bild und die App für den Ton. Das ist nix.
Alles ok!
Bought a book in Dutch. App required a password (last word on page X)... in German. Unusable.
Die richtige Funktion der App, Videos anschauen, funktioniert nicht, da diese nicht laden. Die App scheint auch schon länger nicht mehr gepflegt zu werden. Hauptsache Kosmos kann auf seinen Büchern damit werben...
App ist in Querformat, langsam, es laden nur die ersten 3-6 Bücher einer Kategorie
As stated before me, the program runs a bit slow, though it's workable on my Android 7 Huawei tablet. Got it for the "Was fliegt denn da?" bird book, and the bird songs I've listened to so far are great quality. Don't know about videos yet. The main issue is the home page taking a long time to load (and I'm not sure if ALL the books need that "NEW" sticker on them. Actually, I just went back to the app -which I didn't close- and now neither book has the sticker... weird.) IMO it's fine overall.
Sadly this app is terrible. Bad usability, very slow. Like a software from before 1995. I liked the idea that the kids can listen to the animal sounds, but neither I nor them can handle this app. Please rework it, because so noone is really able to rate the quality of the sounds.
Leider vollkommen unbrauchbar. Video laden nicht. Schlechtes, unprofessionelles Layout.